Impulse Control:
The capacity to stand firm against temptation, as well as the ability to identify aggressive impulses and halting destructive behavior. People who lack impulse control are often unpredictable and volatile.

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Like a mouse drawn to cheese, impulse control looks beyond immediate gratification and understands the trap that awaits you based on your actions.
Podcast Case Studies


Confidence & Relationships
Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes
Purpose: To recognize how impulsive behavior presents itself through behavior and to understand the effects the lack of impulse control has on relationships.
Self Assessment
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
Purpose: To identify areas were you might be at risk for difficulty with impulse control.
The Gatekeeper
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes + review of additional links
Purpose: To explore how impulses get out of control, to understand the effects and to gain perspective on how to improve responses.