The capacity to recognize and characterize problems along with creating and placing effective solutions. Problem-solving includes the capacity to go through phases, starting with 1)seeing a problem and being able to deal with it positively and effectively; 2) identifying the problem clearly; 3) finding a bevy of possible solutions; 4) deciding to use one of the solutions; 5) evaluating the outcome of the solution; and 6) continuing this process if the problem is not solved.

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Just as a math equation can be written out, studied, discussed and answered, so problem-solving takes a systematic approach to resolve issues.

Case Studies

Sue Ann supervises a young sales assistant, Joey. Over lunch, he reveals an office relationship that has gotten out of hand. He asks Sue Ann to help him put an end to unwanted romantic advances by another employee. See how Sue Ann solves this issue and the repercussions of her decision on the company. Click to begin.