The capacity to revere yourself as a genuinely good person. Valuing yourself is accepting yourself as the way you are. Self-regard is the capacity to be thankful for your apparent positive facets, as well as the negative facets, and still appreciate yourself. Individuals with strong self-regard know their assets and faults and feel relatively good about themselves, they have no trouble openly recognizing mistakes, or if they are wrong. One’s self-regard is based upon a strong awareness of character. At the other end of the spectrum are feelings of personal incompetence.

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Self-regard takes a look in the mirror and has confidence in the person looking back.
Podcast Case Studies


Core Value
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Purpose: To understand that our personal worth is separate and not dependent on external events or performance. To develop the practice of positive 'self-talk'.
Personal Assessment
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
Purpose: To recognize areas of strength & weakness and determine how they affect the state of your self-regard.
Running Solo
Estimated time to complete: 25 minutes
Purpose: To recognize situations where we may over-extend to hide shortcomings and weaknesses.