Stress Tolerance:
The capacity to endure during difficult situations with no physical or emotional problems by aggressively dealing with stress. This capacity is based on an ability to decide on courses of action for dealing with stress; a positive attitude concerning change and concerning your own ability to overcome a specific problem; and a feeling that you can manage a demanding situation by staying in control. People who have stress tolerance have a variety of appropriate responses to taxing situations and are generally calm and composed when faced with adversity.

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When the pressure is on, do you bend or do you break?
Podcast Case Studies


Dealing with Stress
Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes
Purpose: To identify methods to minimize vulnerability to stress and develop strategies to manage stress.
Personal Assessment
Estimated time to complete: 25 minutes
Purpose: To recognize emotions and behaviors that expose an individual to vulnerability or resistance to stress. To reveal the emotions and behaviors that form your current pattern of response.
Vulnerability & Response
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Purpose: To identify the patterns in the events that lead to vulnerability and to recognize your current coping responses.