The capacity to maintain an upbeat attitude, even during times of difficulty. Optimistic people are hopeful in terms of everyday life. Optimism can be thought of as resiliency: how we respond to life's setbacks. The opposite of this is pessimism, which can bring on despair and hopelessness.

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If your boat is sinking, the optimist recognizes the crisis and chooses to bail water rather than go down with the ship.
Podcast Case Studies


Dread Zone
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Purpose: To identify situations where negative thoughts are multiplying and to gain tool to diffuse the downward spiral.
Optimism as a Life View
Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Purpose: To gain an understanding of optimism and how it affects our behaviors.
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes plus outside activity
Purpose: To identify our thought patterns and understand how they influence behaviors.